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Thread: porkchop : NP205 mounting

  1. #1

    Default porkchop : NP205 mounting

    NP205 mounting
    Post by porkchop on Sept 27, 2006, 6:26am

    Does anyone have the pictures of how Tom mounted his 205 in the stock location saved? I never saved them because I didn't think I would have one this soon. I figure I better mount the 205 now before I get a new jackshaft made. Would hate to make a jackshaft and then not have it fit when I put in the 205. Thanks.

  2. #2

    Default jeepcj :

    Re: NP205 mounting
    Post by jeepcj on Sept 27, 2006, 7:23am

    I need that write up also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin

    Default brute4c :

    Re: NP205 mounting
    Post by brute4c on Sept 27, 2006, 10:11am

    I have these pics from his rear winch install and disk brake install...the mounts can be seen...I do not have the writeup.

    This was the first version he did...I have nothing from the 2nd version and these are all the pics I can find.

    Passenger side mount from the rear:

    Drivers side...there is a thick piece of metal running from one crossmember back to the next and off of that a vetical piece that bolts to the rear of the 205. There is also a bolt through the loop on the low side of the case. The blue thing is the pto for the rear winch.

  4. #4

    Default porkchop :

    Re: NP205 mounting
    Post by porkchop on Sept 27, 2006, 10:52am

    Unfortunately he mounted it different in futura and that is the one I am interested in. It was simple and straight forward. I will try and contact him. Thanks for the pictures, Jon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas

    Default barrman :

    Re: NP205 mounting
    Post by barrman on Sept 29, 2006, 9:26am

    Here are some pictures I took of Futura in March.

    This is looking forward on the drivers side.

    This is the middle and right of the box looking forward. You can see the e-brake on top.

    This is a close up of the drivers side from the rear.

    This is a bottom view of the driver side mount. I was laying with my head under the t-case and my feet sticking out from under the truck. He made a 1/4" steel plate to replace the stock pto cover and just welded to it. I have made the same plate for mine, haven't used it yet, still want the pto option for later and will bring the plate to the FE next week.

  6. #6

    Default porkchop :

    Re: NP205 mounting
    Post by porkchop on Sept 29, 2006, 10:16am

    Thanks, Tim. I already have a steel plate on the one I got. It has some mounts on it so it can mount on top of the frame rails. Or something like that, not sure how it was suppose to mount or what it was mounted on previously.

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