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Thread: elohim1 : On board air with GM compressor ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Oxford, Ohio 45056

    Default elohim1 : On board air with GM compressor ??

    On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by elohim1 on Nov 24, 2006, 10:16pm

    I got the GM air compressor with the sepentine system for my truck.There were some guys who said it would work fine. A few people have told me that oil is required to be run in the system with this unit. Wont I be losing all the oil when I use the on board air?


  2. #2

    Default rickyr :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by rickyr on Nov 24, 2006, 10:39pm

    I haven't heard of anyone using this style compressor. I have the York on my CJ and it is perfect. It has basically a crankcase for the oil, and a slight mist comes out. I don't know how the GM style can work. Can you fab up a bracket for a york?
    Or easier, a CO2 tank will work very good too..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas

    Default barrman :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by barrman on Nov 24, 2006, 10:41pm

    Yes you will. Any oil you put in the compressor will be gone by the time you get one tire aired up. Check out this link. They are the only company trying to make a living selling OBA stuff right now.

    I have about 5 more links at work that go through the OBA process pretty well. I can't find them here at work. Matter of fact, I think this same situation came up a month or so ago. Do a search in the modified section for stuff I posted then. It is the same things I was going to do here. The link you want has something to do with Star Wars. Yoda or something like that is the name of the guy who wrote a bunch about this. The York compressor is the best for this use because it has its own oil system for the compressor seperate from the air system.

  4. #4

    Default gimpyrobb :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by gimpyrobb on Nov 24, 2006, 10:43pm

    Chris, I don't know alot about the compressors except that most people use the york because it has a seperate oil chamber to keep it lubed. I've heard the other ones are lubed by oil in the freon. Hope that helps. Someone else might chime in.

  5. #5

    Default gimpyrobb :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by gimpyrobb on Nov 24, 2006, 10:44pm

    Tim beat me to it.

  6. #6

    Default shooter68 :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by shooter68 on Nov 24, 2006, 10:58pm

    Are you referring to the GM air conditioning compressor or the GM emissions air pump? I use a CO2 bottle but if I would have known the emissions air pump worked I wouldn't have chucked it.

  7. #7

    Default elwenil :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by elwenil on Nov 25, 2006, 8:21am

    The old Mopar compressors have their own oil supply and pump also and are twin cylinder also. Sometimes a little hard to get to fit because of their size. For other compressors yo will need an oil separator before your storage tank. I know a lot of guys use these with the Sanden style compressors. If you are looking at the "pancake" style GM compressor, I have never seen one used for OBA. Might work ok though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Oxford, Ohio 45056

    Default elohim1 :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by elohim1 on Nov 25, 2006, 9:50am

    Thanks for the info.

    Well, Maybe I will install AC or replace the compressor with a pulley?? I dont think I can squeeze a york in there.

  9. #9

    Default gimpyrobb :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by gimpyrobb on Nov 25, 2006, 12:14pm

    Chris, the other reason people like them is because you don't have to mout them in the upright position. Sideways works fine too. I have some here if you want one.

  10. #10

    Default fasteddie :

    Re: On board air with GM compressor ??
    Post by fasteddie on Nov 25, 2006, 7:18pm

    The GM compressor will work just fine .I've been using one on a service van for the last 16 years , same compressor . Yes it does lose oil , need to tap a line into compressor housing and every so often put in some refrigerant oil . This is best accomplished when compressor is running , open the installed line [I used a brake line with a plkug on the end ] then block off the air intake to compressor and let the oil suck in . I have compressor hooked to a 12 gallon tank with a drain in bottom . It's usually drained once a year before winter . This has been enough to run a 1/2" impact and to seat 19.5" tires .

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