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Thread: Stock seat project

  1. #31

    Default Seat springs

    Seat springs,.....I need some.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Stevens Pointski, Wisconsin


    Vintage Power Wagons has them NOS. That'd be the springs and the wood base for the seat together.

    I thought I had a better pic of them, but this will have to do. There is alot more than the one in the pic.


    '67 M715 '67 M725 '69 M726 (x2)

    "it's cheap and you get all you can shove in your pie-hole" --Kozmo 12-10-13

  3. #33


    Ok, thanks!

  4. #34

    Smile Need seat springs

    Vintage M 715 is out of seat springs so, if anyone has a pair to sell...........

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by lighthorse6 View Post
    Seat springs,.....I need some.
    Me too. I have good frames but that's all. No wood, springs, etc.

  6. #36


    I,d make the wood 3/4" pressure treated personally. spring ???

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    For those missing the springs, WeeBee Webbing has foam bottoms and seat backs that are pre-shaped and work rather well. I've had them in my M715 since 2004 and they are still in great shape.
    Now that I have the M725 that still has the spring bottoms, I can tell you that the ride with the foam bottoms is so much better. There is less bouncing than with the spring bottoms.
    Delta Team Decals:

  8. #38

    Default Seat Covers

    Does anyone have a set of old seat back and bottoms that I could use to make some covers with. They just need to be in good enough shape to get measurements from. I have a long way to go but I figured seats would be a great place to start. I'm also going to attempt making a new top , so if you got one kicking around, cuz ya just didn't have the heart to throw it out I sure could use it also. Any help will be gre4atly appreciated

  9. #39


    I have 2 seat backs in excellent condition. Somewhere I have the bottoms but must find them.
    SFC, HQ,129th Sig Co, PAARNG, Vietnam Era

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Southern New Hampshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Whiterook View Post
    Does anyone have a set of old seat back and bottoms that I could use to make some covers with. They just need to be in good enough shape to get measurements from. I have a long way to go but I figured seats would be a great place to start. I'm also going to attempt making a new top , so if you got one kicking around, cuz ya just didn't have the heart to throw it out I sure could use it also. Any help will be gre4atly appreciated
    If you make some, and could post some templates up on the forum, that would be awesome, or if anyone else has an idea of were to get templates. I would like to make my own seats and top as well, because I have at least 50 yards of heavyweight mildew resistant canvas, and an industrial sewing machine. I can make the top and seats inside a warm house, much faster then I can get myself outside to move stuff so I can blast a frame in 20 degree weather

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