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Thread: Yet another USA6X6 update

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Hey, I got told I always see the worst in people...right after I complimented it cant be's already me.....dagnamit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Winlock, WA


    Actually guys, there is someone from one of the off road magazines that is a member of the Zone.
    Yeah, you can't say you weren't warned on Daniel. I was close to ordering from him when I thought I should check him out on the pirate board. Man, I am SO glad I did.

    Don't feel bad, I had a machine shop take TWO YEARS to build my stroker motor.
    Well, actually, after a months of BS of calling back and forth, going up there many times, I flat out told him that when the shop closes, I am coming in and working on my own motor.
    As for how to get Daniel back for this, and most importantly, keeping other people from getting the shaft by him, we need to hurt him where it counts. The Magazines! We need to make sure people know about what kind of business he runs, the lies he tells, and the trouble most people go through to get something from him.
    As a matter of fact, it would be a good thing for you to write up your story, and we can make it a sticky for all people to see. Just one more way to keep other people safe from him.
    What sucks is that he shows some good stuff, and for good prices!
    I need a set of knuckle boots, and the ones he has are good, and the cheapest. ARGH. And the shaved pans are the cheapest as well!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Central Wisconsin


    I am sorry to hear about you folks issues with Denial. Bad as this sounds I have heard worse accounts....much worse actually. That's all I am going to say on the subject but this.... I will be in Lawton in the next month....I could make a killing "discussing" assorted folks gripes with him...$50 a head should finace my project easily in JUST folks I know personally...not to mention net based horror stories...tis real sad.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Front Royal, Virginia


    Might be a pain in the ass, but may want to consider writing the Better Business Bureau. My understanding is they build a file that covers pros and cons on a business. To put some pressure on the 4X4 magazines, might tie them into publishing misleading ads. Howard

  5. #15


    With the Rockwell becoming so plentiful and parts actully being fairly reasonable, me posting and reposting this timeline and list of excuses has hit him where it hurts on this site. I was kinda irked to not even get a reply from Primedia. I'll get to someone sometime...

    Hammer, unless you feel like popping off the knuckle assembly to put on the one piece boots, I'd just stick with the zipper style. I popped one of my knuckles off just to see it and because of the mass amounts of grease, that doesn't easily compress, it was a bugger to pop back on. It was an easy $10 worth of frustration trying to get it back on. On one of my phone calls with Denial after about 3 or 4 weeks I asked him if he had the Detroits in stock. He said he did and I asked if he could as LEAST ship them so I could do something. Nothing for weeks to follow. When I finally did get them along with the rotors and calipers, one of the detroit boxes was open and the literature was gone and the bag was all grimed up. The pack job on the other parts was nice too. Nice new Wilwoods were scratched to being packed...practically loose in a box with a 1 ton rotor. I don't need anyone to take up a fight...just to spread the word.

    Hammer, I don't go off to other 4x4 sites so if you have an opportunity to jab a link in one of them to any of my posts about the USA6x6 topic, maybe we can help someone else save three months of aggrivation and general BS.
    Big Blocks RULE!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Los Angeles, CA


    Hello guys, this is Jeff.

    Speaking for the magazines, we can't print opinions about a business unless we experience it firsthand; surely you can understand. We receive complaints about shops and products on a regular basis. Would be terrible if we took someone's word, ran a disparaging comment and it was untrue.

    Furthermore, dealing with the public is a strange experience, you simply don't know who you have on the line. Someone here rec'd a call a while back from a guy who installed a used Dana 60. He said the truck would not move and could not figure out why. He was certain that his work was fine. Upon further discussion, he said he had flipped the axle so as to gain high pinion clearance (common trick) but get this... he never accounted for the gear rotation. The axle was driving backwards. Nice eh? Start that high fish diet now, buddy.

    All that said, we have heard a number of dark comments about USA6x6 but nothing from our own staff. Then again, most people take care of us when we call due to the exposure. I hope you guys get it all worked out, good luck.

  7. #17


    Jeff, I can understand the liabilities of an opinion in a 4x4 rag and how a business owner may take it as slander...but, in real world build ups, where the guy isn't part of an international (and well liked) magazine, a guy has to deal with all this other garbage and headache NOT being of the preferred but just of the average masses. In fact, shops doing special high visibility jobs help push back average Joe who's project is none less important...just doesn't have a high pressure deadline and the horsepower to get a job pushed though the shop. Maybe some magazine could decide to do a real world Rockwell (for instance) buyers test and order a batch of parts from say, Boyce Equipment, Chuck's Trucks and USA6x6. The few 4x4 rags that I subscribe to are great with the real world testing, but now that we've seen the tests...let see the acquisition side of things. You can always return the stuff or wait 'til some buddies are about to hump up a Rockwell. Fair is fair. I thought my wheel discs, Wilwoods, Detroits and High clear pans were going to be REALLY slick!!! How slick do you think I think they are after waiting for 3 months and being jerked off on the phone repeatedly? Each one is irritating, but the combination is infuriating. How do you think you'd feel if someone had 2 grand of your money and kept lying to you? To push the blame on steel availabilty will get you *some* time but when a detroit locker takes NO fab work from any of said shops, that b:tch should be infront of my door in 3 days...not 9 weeks...with one box already open. All I can hope for is that a LOT of people dig into this site, pirate site and word of mouth makes a clear representation of what people can expect.
    Big Blocks RULE!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    parsons Kansas


    isnt there an opinion section in the mags where you can voice your opinions? Im a long time reader of 4x4 mags and Id like to see a comsumer poll on certian companies and have the outcome published in your mags as most would rate high like V.P.W., A.B. Linn, Ect. I personally think it would be a great thing for your wonderful 4X4 mags to do as a service for their customers. it could be totally an opinion poll and nomination. Im sure there is something that can be thought up afterall their sells is dependant on us as consumers. next year I plan on building a monster M715 and want to have it in your guys mags. it may take 2 yrs or so to build but Id like to know where its a good place to buy parts that I know i will get and on time. when you sink $100,000 dollars or more into parts you want what you pay for.
    67 M725, 67 M715, 68 M715

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Central Wisconsin


    The idea of a magazine saying anything that could be considered "harsh" regarding a parts supplier is I believe a thing of the past. That said we now have the net.."the peoples magazine"

    I am building a M-715 to do some hard core trail navigation..I plan to document much of it on the web at least so others that are interested can watch how it went together and then find out how it performs..I mean in the grand scheam of things I doubt many readers of a 4x4 mag would fine it interesting to watch some nut case from Wisconsin toss 500+ Hp, link suspension, coil overs, and full hyd steering, custom built antique Eaton frt and rear axles, and all the assorted parts required to build my "project" in truth...although maybe a few of you folks assured ANYONE I do buisness with is going to be commented on...from my local Napa to the fella I buy my paint from...I think that is how to "spread the word" regarding parts suppliers. Just review them...and comment to those that "know" you.


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