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Thread: Some Rockwell weight tidbits

  1. #1


    Rockwell non steer rear alxe.

    Housing alone: 145Lbs.
    Chunk/diff section: 215Lbs. (with detroit, same as front section)
    Hubs: 35Lbs each. (same as front)

    My calcs could put together a rockwell rear for around 600-700Lbs with aftermarket brakes.

    Sorry I don't have a weight for the front housing...was so excited to finally have parts I slapped it back together. I'll try and get a total weight at a later time for the steer rear.
    Big Blocks RULE!

  2. #2


    Any idea how that compares to our stock m715 rear Dana 70?


  3. #3


    I've seen posts as high as 800LBS on D70's and 14 bolts. I don't have that exact info though. I should weigh one of the rockwell drum and backing assy's and see how much is lost with just them. it's a bunch though!
    Big Blocks RULE!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Chad told me that when they took the drum stuff off his Rockwells, they saved 185 pounds....I think that was per side...but maybe both.....
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  5. #5


    That was both sides together. I can pick up drum, and fully assembled backing plate...but it's heavy. Around 90Lbs a side feels about right. The 215Lb chunk is a handful though. I have it sitting on the floor on two pieces of 2x6. I roll the floor jack over then squat down and pick it up just enough to swing it back and dump it on the jack. WHEW! I've got a forklift attachment made up for the John Deere and I'll have the housing upside down on that then roll the chunk under that and let the housing down over it. That's how I assembled the front and test fit the pan for the rear after welding up the hole and grinding extra clearance at the sides. sheesh.
    Big Blocks RULE!

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