So I've bored (educated thoroughly...better be!) you to tears about this bullcrap with USA6x6 and their un-ending supply of put off lines as to why I STILL don't have all my parts from an order placed three months ago.

The latest two lines of quite typical Daniel fashion was this last week:

"My laser plate guy finally got steel and you'll have the first set he cuts and have them next week." This was a voicemail I received AFTER I sent him a picture of the HOLE in one of the high clear pans that *I* had to weld up. Great QC there fellas. Anyway, I took a crap today and missed a call. The voice message was as follows:

"Tom, this is Daniel at USA6x6. (spoken about as fast as a person can) My laser plate guys machine broke down, but I'll be able to have them to you around July 1st." Then his typical, "if you have any questions, any problem, don't hesitate to call ...-...-...." I nearly crapped again. At that point I was sofa-king angry as he'd told me before the first conversation that if the guy couldn't cut them soon, he cut them and get them out himself. Liar. His rear design is cracked out too. I'm going to be making my own 'brake stands' tomorrow that use the rear brakes original backing plate mount instead of having to weld a tall bracket down to the axletube. OH, and on the Quality Control issue, along with having the EASILY spotted 1/8" hole in the pan, the holes they machined into the rotors are not dead on balls. I've tried two rotors and one fit 7 of the 8 bolts reletively well with the 8th needing to be ratcheted a lot harder than the others. The other rotor needed 4 of the 8 newly machined holes filed on one side or another with a 'rat tail' file to make the hole fit the hubs bolt circle. I'm actually to the point of being impressed that there IS still a usa6bi with the unending amount of hassle they cause. July 1st...16 weeks...he can shove'm up his ass!