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Thread: 2019 Picture thread

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Last night was one of my favorite area car shows at a local golf course which is right around the block from my house. Unfortunately I had a school fund raiser I had to attend as well, but was able to run 3 of the trucks down and set them up for display. It's always a fun night when you get to drive an Army truck across a golf course.

    No awards are given, as it's more a fun, local cruise in type of show but everyone loves to check out the military trucks when I bring them.
    Delta Team Decals:

  2. #22


    Just one minor thing Dave. As a retired LTC I have to correct you on Nurse Betty's rank and branch insignia on her uniform. Officer rank and branch are parallel with the bottom of the collar. Enlisted ranks are on the diagonal from the point as you have hers. The center line of the branch insignia should be in line with the center line of the rank insignia. They should also be 1 inch up from the bottom of the collar.

    Sorry but having been the training officer for OCS and BOC for several years this is one of those things I notice in my!
    Zone holster maker

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by k8icu View Post
    Just one minor thing Dave. As a retired LTC I have to correct you on Nurse Betty's rank and branch insignia on her uniform. Officer rank and branch are parallel with the bottom of the collar. Enlisted ranks are on the diagonal from the point as you have hers. The center line of the branch insignia should be in line with the center line of the rank insignia. They should also be 1 inch up from the bottom of the collar.

    Sorry but having been the training officer for OCS and BOC for several years this is one of those things I notice in my!
    Thanks for the tip, I will get Betty squared away as soon as I get home tonight! Looking at pics online it can be hard to sometimes tell which way they were pointing and I couldn't find an on-line guide to placement. Thanks!
    Delta Team Decals:

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    k8icu hope this a little better for you!
    Delta Team Decals:

  5. #25

    Default Wow!!

    Beautiful trucks, I'm just getting started on my m715, hope it looks like that someday.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by DeeCee337 View Post
    Beautiful trucks, I'm just getting started on my m715, hope it looks like that someday.
    Thanks, don't be afraid to share pics of your truck as everyone here loves to see pics!
    Delta Team Decals:

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Another weekend and another parade. This time was the Homecoming Parade in Pent-Water Michigan. I had a few things going on and only had time to bring the M715 for the parade, but with the other vehicles in the parade there was plenty of room for the local vets to have a ride. There is always a large crowd and it's great to be able to drive the veterans.

    The parade route is always packed.

    Local veterans enjoying the parade.

    My co-pilot for the day was Ed who is a Vietnam Vet who drove M715's along with deuces and 5 tons in a Trans Company. He was even laughing about the cracks along the top of the door (where all M715's crack) and how they use to braze them with coat hangers in the motorpool.

    The evening caps off with a fireworks show off the pier head.
    Delta Team Decals:

  8. #28


    Outstanding fleet! Must be fun to be a one man parade. I hope to get my 715 looking half as good as yours. Thanks for sharing.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by grymsr View Post
    Outstanding fleet! Must be fun to be a one man parade. I hope to get my 715 looking half as good as yours. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks, it can be quite tiring at times to keep up with maintenance on the whole fleet, but is worth it when we roll them into a parade or display. If you are ever going to put markings on your M715, check out my decal page, Decal sets for the M715 have been my specialty for years and quite a few members here have gotten their markings from me.
    Delta Team Decals:

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    k8icu hope this a little better for you!
    Missed it by that much!

    Take the railroad tracks (Captains Bars and) rotate them 90 degs. to the right so that the bars are parallel with the bottom of the the collar. Rotate the caduceus (branch insignia which BTW should have an N in the middle of it for Nurse Nurses Corps Insignia) 90 degs to the left so it points to the railroad tracks.

    This is a picture of 2LT rank without out the branch insignia but just replace rank on the left hand side with the branch and you get the idea.
    Butter Bars on BDUs

    Message me your email or cell number and I'll take a picture of one of my old uniforms and send it to you.
    Zone holster maker

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