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Thread: Unit numbers

  1. #1

    Default Unit numbers

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out the unit numbers on my 67 M715. On the front bumper is CDEC 41-1, and on the tailgate is CDCEO 41-1. Any military experts have an idea? Thanks

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Milt62 View Post
    Hi, I'm trying to figure out the unit numbers on my 67 M715. On the front bumper is CDEC 41-1, and on the tailgate is CDCEO 41-1. Any military experts have an idea? Thanks
    Douglas, huh? I lived in Glendo for 15 years. Welcome aboard!

  3. #3


    Welcome aboard. I worked in Wyoming the winter of 18-19 in the oil and gas industry, that was back when Wyoming still had an oil and gas industry. Stayed in Casper, Rawlins and Gillette for a few months while our job sites were west of Baggs and between Casper and Gillette.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by Milt62 View Post
    Hi, I'm trying to figure out the unit numbers on my 67 M715. On the front bumper is CDEC 41-1, and on the tailgate is CDCEO 41-1. Any military experts have an idea? Thanks
    The 41-1 might actually be 41-I which would be the 41st Infantry Brigade which was formed in 1968 and is still active today. The fist part, the CD may refer to a camp, like Camp Davis, Camp Dodge, Camp Dawson. What would really help is know what area the truck came from as that would help narrow the search.
    Delta Team Decals:

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