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Thread: Tried to Start my Truck Today...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Wichita Falls, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Nailhead View Post
    This is totally shooting from the hip, throwing a dart, whatever cliche you like, and has almost no basis in fact or evidence. Still, something has to explain such an oddball occurrence.
    As good a theory as any, I'd run with it.

    Glad it wasn't parts flying around. I'm always getting onto the boys because whenever one of them has vehicle problems they immediately assume the worst possible scenario. And that's exactly what I did.

    Might not hurt to change the oil.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Von View Post
    As good a theory as any, I'd run with it.

    Glad it wasn't parts flying around. I'm always getting onto the boys because whenever one of them has vehicle problems they immediately assume the worst possible scenario. And that's exactly what I did.

    Might not hurt to change the oil.
    Oh yeah, that's on my list. As soon as winter loosens its grip on my part of the world, I'll pull the oil pump & distributor, move the oil pump shaft one tooth, remount everything in the way the pic I located too late indicates, and mount the other valve cover. Then I'll see if it starts & develops oil pressure.

    It's gonna be a while though-- 6" of snow on the ground, and no real warmup in sight.

  3. #33


    After moving that oil pump one tooth as described above, I'm no closer to getting this curse running than I ever was, even after spending six hours trying. Nothing works, and all I get is stumbling and backfiring.

    I've quit because I don't want to blow up yet another valve cover. Hopefully a buddy of mine can figure out what the problem is, because I can't go near that red menace without wanting to do it some serious harm.

    The affection I used to feel for the 230 OHC is gone, likely never to return.
    Last edited by Nailhead; April 2nd, 2020 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Removed rage post of questionable taste.

  4. #34


    I can commiserate with your frustration.

    I am absolutely certain that with persistence (intestinal fortitude, gumption, grit, cajones, chutzpah, sand) you will convince and cajole that 230 into running.

    I'll tip my glass to the sputter-free Nailhead!

    Last edited by plumas.placer.miner; March 12th, 2020 at 10:04 AM.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by plumas.placer.miner View Post
    I can commiserate with your frustration.

    I am absolutely certain that with persistence (intestinal fortitude, gumption, grit, cajones, chutzpah, sand) you will convince and cajole that 230 into running.

    I'll tip my glass to the sputter-free Nailhead!

    Thanks Brian-- I appreciate your confidence.

    Thing is, I'm not sure I want to expend any more time/money toward this. I've vaporized hundreds of dollars and at least 12 hours with nothing to show for it. I'm going to give it a few days, but at this moment selling it as it sits seems a very sensible choice. This is the kind of crap that makes me want to pick up smoking again.

  6. #36


    If you start smoking, you'll have less to spend on your M715 and you'll spend more on your health insurance and out of pocket medical expenses. Plus, you'll start looking like a dried up 'ol zombie and everyone with an AR will want to take pot-shots at you! haha

    Put a tablespoon of water in one of your friend's full ash trays and take a deep whiff.* That stinky M715 smells a lot better brother!

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by plumas.placer.miner View Post
    If you start smoking, you'll have less to spend on your M715 and you'll spend more on your health insurance and out of pocket medical expenses. Plus, you'll start looking like a dried up 'ol zombie and everyone with an AR will want to take pot-shots at you! haha

    Put a tablespoon of water in one of your friend's full ash trays and take a deep whiff.* That stinky M715 smells a lot better brother!


    It would be restart actually, Brian; I smoked for years, and don't miss them at all, except on really icy roads and dealing with the parts of life that make me madder than a wet cat.

  8. #38


    Tried getting the truck running again after deciding to start all over again.

    First, I set TDC using both the timing mark and cam position after removing the valve cover.

    Second, I removed the alternator, and oil pump, and set the oil pump shaft on the drive gear at 9:00-3:00, narrow shoulder up. This took two attempts, the first ending up one tooth off.

    After reinstalling the oil pump, I installed the distributor, and noticed the rotor corresponded to #5 not #1. As I was unable to rotate the distributor far enough on the mounting stud to correct this, I decided to move the plug wires over one hole on the cap.

    I buttoned everything up, hooked up the booster cables to my Dodge, and gave it a try.

    It would run a little sometimes, but not more than 5-10 seconds. No explosions, though.

    Getting this thing running had become particularly imperative because the tow truck driver left it on the lawn back in October, and the grass is breaking dormancy at this point. Gotta keep the landlord happy, so I hooked the tow rope to the Dodge, then the RZR, and towed the Lawn Ornament into a corner of the driveway. At one point, I even had to use a couch cushion between bumpers to push it with the Dodge. Pressure off, though.

    I think the problem is this: I remember Harry and I got a timing indication that was way off from spec when we were timing it with his light after getting it running initially. This was 3(?) years ago, and neither us remember any specifics. Thing is, I'm running a civvy vacuum advance distributor, and I have no timing specs to go on other than the non-VA spec in the TM.

    Perhaps Harry's old Chilton truck manual has some info.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    The timing is the same between civvy and mil units...the point gap for civvy is the same as the mil....020 inch...personally I like to use the dwell angle and that is 38 degrees for civilian which differs slightly from the 41 degrees plus or minus 3 degrees listed in military manuals....
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by brute4c View Post
    The timing is the same between civvy and mil units...the point gap for civvy is the same as the mil....020 inch...personally I like to use the dwell angle and that is 38 degrees for civilian which differs slightly from the 41 degrees plus or minus 3 degrees listed in military manuals....
    Thanks Jon.

    No points, so that isn't working against me. Is a dwell spec usable with a Pertronix?

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