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Thread: For Sale posting

  1. #1

    Default For Sale posting

    Hello, brand new and going through the registration process. Sorry but where do I advertise vehicles / items to be sold. THX jcarter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    I see you registered twice...the first time, you had an error in the email addy you listed and the activation email that the site sent you bounced back...this time it appears to be correct in the email and the activation email should have made it to hasn't bounced as yet that I can see.
    If you read that email, it will tell you how to finish your registration and once that is done, you will then see the classified boards and be able to post there.

    If you don't get that email for whatever reason, maybe it go caught in a spam filter or something, let me know and I can resend it...turn off your spam filter or other possible block and then let me know.

    I did combine your 2 accounts so you just have one sweat.

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