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Thread: Another Parts Source?

  1. #1

    Default Another Parts Source?

    May be old news. I was looking for some M35 parts and found this. They have a M-715 section as well as some generic "M" series items.

  2. #2


    Thats Mike's site. He is the one hosting the Florida rally next month. Good guy.
    "We are here for the meeting!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Giddings, Texas


    Mike is a great guy. He let Sermis, Kwai and myself camp next to his tent when we showed up without a place to stay for the GA Rally a few months ago.

    He also has a lot of parts and stuff not listed on the sight. His feeling is that anything rubber should be new. NOS is worthless. he has contracted for a lot of M35 parts to be built for him that were previously un available. We talked about those type of M715 parts. His plan was to find one, redo it and get the parts he can't find or doesn't think will last manufactured as he needs them. He of course will then market said parts from his business.

    keep checking his sight every now and then for new stuff. Remember too that a lot of M715 stuff came from other MV's such as lights, wiring, brake light switches, gauges, etc...
    Remember if you didn't build it you can't call it yours.

    6.2 powered M715, 5 M1009's, M416, 2 M101's, 2 M105's, 3 M35's, M1007 6.5 turbo Suburban project called Cowdog.

  4. #4


    I didn't see a way to contact him on his site... does someone want to tell him that it is spelled Gauges, not guages....

    Not sure if he cares....

  5. #5


    Mike is usually working on a project. If its not a truck its sponsoring a rally. If I were him, I wouldn't care.
    "We are here for the meeting!"

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